Trident HUD Inspections
HUD Property & Unit Inspections
A division of Trident Ground Protection, LLC
HUD (or “REAC”) inspection – HUD provides affordable homes through several rental assistance programs. These programs include public housing, multifamily housing, and housing choice vouchers (Section 8). These HUD-assisted properties are inspected to make sure they are decent, safe, and sanitary.
NSPIRE inspections focus on deficiencies deemed to be the most important indicators of housing quality. NSPIRE inspections may use a high sample rate and are intended to provide HUD a high level of confidence in the inspection results. These inspections are requited by HUD and include the following:
- Quality Assurance
- Move-Out
- Rent Reasonableness
- Special Inspection

During each inspection our inspectors check functional systems such as:
- Whether appliances, like the refrigerator and stove, are working,
- Water supply: Whether pipes and faucets are leaking, and that the hot and cold water handles are working,
- Safety: Whether there is an emergency exit, and that smoke detectors are present and working windows and doors:
- Whether windows are lockable, have screens, and are in good condition,
- The Exteriors also inspected for: Whether the property’s grounds, parking lots, and exterior structures are in good condition,
- Common areas: Whether hallways, lobbies, and community spaces are in good condition , whether electrical outlet and switch plate covers are not cracked or broken, Inspectors also look for issues like Flaking paint
- No locks on exterior doors
- No screens on windows
- Asbestos
- Improperly functioning pressure release valves on hot water heaters and boilers
- Lack of handrails on stairs
- Bathroom caulking issues
- Lack of bathroom fan/ventilation
- No weathertight windows or doors

Our team of inspectors is fully certified by the US Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) and conduct inspections in a prompt, professional and courteous manner.